Thursday, February 26, 2015

Check out us in the big pool!

Today we got to have 2 minutes of free time in the big pool. We weren't even scared to go in the deeper pool. We had so much fun. It wasn't even cold! We are so brave!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Our awesome clown surprise

Today we got a big surprise! Mrs Pearse and Mrs Reisma came in to our class to show us their awesome clown car they had brought last night after school. It was soooooo funny. They even looked like clowns because they both were having a bad hair day. They had saved up all of their own money to buy it. We would all love a car like this of our own. Thanks so much for the visit :)

Monday, February 9, 2015

Our whiteboard challenge

Yesterday Miss Boaler asked us how many different ways we could make 7 by adding numbers together. We had a competition of who could write the most. Check out how many we got. We are so clever! Some of us were extra tricky and used 3 different numbers! How many different ways can you think of?

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Meet the amazing Room 5 for 2015

We wrote our names, our age and our favourite thing on our whiteboards to tell you a little bit about us. We are an awesome group of Year 2 children who love learning. Week 2 has started of with lots and lots of learning and we can't wait to share more of it with you. We are missing photos of Isaac, Zara, Alex and Desire. Please keep following our blog to see all the amazing things we get up to.