Thursday, June 19, 2014

Freaky Friday Disco

Last Friday night we had the PTA "Freaky Friday Disco". It was amazing, and the children were very 'SCARY' as you will see from the photos. Well done parents for all your effort in getting the children ready. The children loved having the lights out.
and dancing with their friends.

Freaky Friday Disco on PhotoPeach

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Room 5 and Team Waru were invited to participate in a colouring-in competition for Westpac Bank. All completed art has been hung in the Westpac Bank, Hastings - so make sure you pop on in and check it out. The Westpac staff are thrilled to have the artwork up and reckon it "brightens the place up". There will be a winner announced at Monday Meet-Up and presented with a prize from the Manager, Ms Falcon.


Sunday, May 11, 2014

Last Friday it was very exciting at Mahora School as it was the opening of our 'Bike Track.'
 We had lots of sponsors who helped us to get the Bike Track up and going.
Orepa and Mahstang from our class rode around the track for the first time with children from other classes. It was an exciting morning, especially when the clown called Ma Hora arrived and entertained us all. In the afternoon we decorated biscuits to look look like a bike wheel and then we ate them. It was an AWESOME DAY!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


The children are enjoying having a carton of milk each day.
We have monitors who love giving out the milk each day to the other children.
Room 5 are now very clever, and can fold the carton so that it looks like a life jacket.

They are then sent back to Fonterra, where they are recycled. Did you know that they are made into roof tiles houses and books for children who don't have any?!

We have been learning to use Show Me to teach others. Listen to the steps that you need to take when you are drinking your milk:


Bike Track

Room 5 are so excited to hop on a bike and go on the new bike track.

We have been writing stories and talking about how lucky we are to have a bike track at our school!!!
Have a read of two fantastic stories by Mya and Blair

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Welcome to 2014

Welcome to Room 5
We have had a great start to the year. Room 5 has 13 boys and 10 girls.
We are all getting to know each other and the children are working hard at establishing our class routines.
Our focus this term is all about ME and the children have enjoyed sharing their knowledge of their family with the class.
Swimming has got off to a great start and the children are keen to show off their water skills.
One of our goals this term is to work on Managing Ourselves before school, on the mat and working at our tables.
Room 5 have settled well, and are ready for an exciting Learning Journey.
Haere Ra from Room 5