Monday, May 2, 2016

Our technology challenge

Today Miss Boaler put us in groups of 4 and gave us 25 marshmallows and 15 kebab sticks and told us to build the tallest tower we could. We had to use team work to make our creation. We did such an awesome job and all managed to create a stable tower. We then came up with ideas of how we could measure our towers. We decided cubes would be the fairest way and wrote 2 sentences about our tower. First sentence was how tall our tower was in cubes and the second how tall it was in centimetres. We learnt some new maths words today while having fun! Check us out...


  1. They look so cool!

  2. That looks an exciting way to work out how to build the tallest tower ... and I hope you got to eat the marshmallows afterwards! :)
